Proposed total extension area in Square Metres (m2):
Which option would you prefer to apply for the approval?:
Step 2 of 8: Roofing System:
Which roofing material would you prefer?:
Which roof type would you prefer?:
Step 3 of 8: External Wall material:
Step 4 of 8: Flooring material:
Step 5 of 8: Windows and Doors:
Internal Door - Number of internal door(s):
External door - Numer of external door(s):
Aluminium Sliding Window(s):
Aluminium Sliding Door(s):
Step 6 of 8: Load-bearing wall removal:
1st wall in meter length:
2nd wall in meter length:
3nd wall in meter length:
Step 7 of 8: Patio, Decking and Concreting:
Attached Patio:
Timber Decking:
Plain Concreting:
Step 8 of 8: Service rough-in:
Bathroom - new water supply and sewage system rough in:
Kitchen - new water supply and sewage system rough in:
Laundry- new water supply and sewage system rough in: